alwaha association for social development


About the organization

Establishment and development of theSociety• The association was founded in1982.In 1981, 20 residents of the regionmet and agreed to set up a charity to provide basic services to the region'sresidents such as the health center, school, telephone services and publicpark, as well as humanitarian assistance to the poor.• Over the years, the efforts of AlwahaAssociation have been successful. It has a two-story building with fivetraining halls, one of which has been used as a children's care center andanother for hairdressing training. The Association also succeeded incontributing to the provision of basic services to the residents of the areasuch as road lighting and street paving.• Alwaha Association cooperated withmany governmental, private, local and international organizations, whichprovided a lot of in-kind assistance, training and rehabilitation to the peopleof the region.• The Association seeks to developits services to the local community, to reach its services to all regions ofthe Kingdom and has been approved to open branches of the Association inseveral Governorates and will be the first branch in the Governorate of Karak• The Association seeks to buildpartnerships with civil society organizations that enable them to raise thelevel of services provided to society• The Association is currentlydeveloping its programs targeting youth, women, people with special needs andchildren• The association has 52 members, 40volunteers, 60 trainers and 15 researchers• The Association owns a piece ofland )3 dunums( in the area of Rusaifeh Zarqa Governorate, where a two-storybuilding containing 5 training rooms in addition to the administrative offices• The association has a workshop forthe manufacture of silver, a women's salon, a computer center and a childrencenter for training purposes• The Association provides a varietyof services in all areas of Rusaifeh and Zarqa Governorate starting from socialservices, training activities, rehabilitation and humanitarian assistance• The association has a Credit Fundof JD 10,000The main sections of the society1. Alwaha Center for Training, Development and Awareness• The association develops itstraining department to become a distinguished training center in the Kingdom• The Association signed an agreementwith the USAID program to support civil society initiatives to develop thetraining center and rehabilitate its administrative and technical staff• The Association has good trainingcapabilities through a network of professional trainers, which number 60trainers covering many aspects of training in the youth, women and people withspecial needs, community development and entrepreneurship.2. Alwaha Center for Social and EconomicStudies• The Association seeks to develop adepartment of studies to become a center in the field of social studies andeconomic and human rights• 15 social researchers volunteer toconduct studies• The Center launched two studies ofcivil society organizations: Studying the impact of support inJordanian organizations on their performance Study the reality of servicesprovided by civil society organizations

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