


About the organization

beginningThe Arab Program for Human Rights Activists (APHRA) was established in the ofthe basic human rights and freedoms of the great majority of human rightsactivists and advocates in the Arab region. Due to their belief in theprinciples and values of human rights, their advocacy activities, and theirheroic defense of human rights, those people were exposed to severe cruelties.This situation was aggravated by the lack of an Arab mechanism dedicated toadvocating human rights activists, advancing their issues and solving theirproblems. The Arab Program for Human Rights Activists was, therefore, launchedas a vehicle for continuous, collective dialogue on the problems, needs andaspirations of human rights activists in the Arab world. In October 2003 theArab Program for Human Rights Activists was legally redefined as anon-governmental organization in accordance with the law number 84 issued in2002 for organizing NGOs in Egypt.of 1997 as a civil non-profit corporation inresponse to the multitude of violations

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