Shamal Start

Shamal Start


About the organization

ShamalStart is a private sector development project funded by the European Union targeting Irbid & Mafraq, aiming to enhance their local economies in the Manufacturing and Services industries. This initiative is reaching out for Jordanian and Syrian Entrepreneurs & MSME’s willing to take the challenge and start a process of developing their business ideas and pursuing a near growth to their entities ShamalStart will educate & train selected entrepreneurs on business models formulation, enable would-be-incubatees to validate their ideas throughout a process of field market validation.Join the Tasmeem project and grow your project through training and mentorship ShamalStart’s team will form a business basis that will serve as primary factor between creative youth within Jordan, transforming their ideas into reality and growing them into successful projects which provide further job opportunities and market ventures for others. ShamalStart seeks to create a well-rounded, educated individual with high concerts, plus creating strong, productive citizens who can benefit society at largeFor more information please visit our Website or FaceBook page and watch this VideoFor Start-Up registration and business idea submission please Click HereFor MSMEs registration and business idea submission please Click Here

Organization's followers

Followers 171

Job opportunities


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Educational opportunities

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