Radio Jeunes

Radio Jeunes

Media organization Follow

About the organization

Electronic media is an effective cognitive tool to give young people an opportunity to express their views and ideas accurately. However, the Moroccan electronic media landscape, especially the audiovisual, does not meet the required level in terms of youth programs, which are limited to only one or two programs that are far from their aspirations, making the society establish a dominant culture that reduces it as a non-productive force. In the midst of that, Radio Jeunes was founded by Adel Rushdi, the director in charge of the radio station, to translate the ideas of young people into a distinctive scenario, contrary to the electronic broadcasts we used to listen to. "Radio Jeunes" is the first youth radio station in Morocco because there are many young people energies in all fields that need only to be shown and nurtured, and that is what the radio aspires through a network of different programs in different fields, which will show the Moroccan media, and especially the birth of radio media project that cares about all youth issues.

Organization's followers

Followers 25

Job opportunities


No opportunities are available


Educational opportunities

No opportunities are available
