Meshkat Community

Meshkat Community


About the organization

Meshkat Community is a project aimed at reinforcing the concepts of tolerance and the rejection of violence and extremism through systematic programs and workshops targeting different factions of the Jordanian (or Middle Eastern) society such as policymakers, religious clerks, artists, content creators, youth, women, and other factions. The Meshkat Community project works towards creating alternatives for the existing extremist narratives in the digital spaces through its website which contains articles, video clips, caricatures, and analyses that reinforce values such as tolerance and justice. In addition, the website contains spaces for dialogue through a blog that creates a safe space for discussion and debate. The website also provides opportunities for volunteers to sign up and join our cause, in addition to spaces for strategic partners to propose partnerships. Users can use tools to filter results in an advanced way to present results relevant to their needs. The website also provides an opportunity for users to participate in the activities and workshops whether through webinars or on different workshop locations across the Kingdom determined based on the objectives of the workshops.The Meshkat Community project was launched in July 2017 through PeaceGeeks Society in Vancouver, Canada to support changemakers in local communities to create harmony across different factions of society in a safe environment and in accordance with the organization’s goals and objectives of building creative and technological capacities to reinforce concepts of peace, tolerance, and humanity and supporting human rights.

Organization's followers

Followers 98

Job opportunities


No opportunities are available


Educational opportunities

No opportunities are available
