Konrad Adenauer Stiftung

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung


About the organization

It is a German political party foundation. Globally, the KAS has 78 offices and runs programs in over 100 countries. Established in 1955 as “Society for Christian-Democratic Civic Education”, the Foundation took on the name of the first Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer in 1964. Its civic education programs aim at promoting freedom and liberty, peace, and justice. They focus on consolidating democracy, the unification of Europe and the strengthening of transatlantic relations, as well as on development cooperation. They promote young artists and annually award their prestigious Literary Prize. Their scholarship programs help young journalists by offering them projects specifically geared to their needs. Since 1980, they have annually awarded a prize for excellent local journalism.

Organization's followers

Followers 435

Job opportunities


No opportunities are available


Educational opportunities

No opportunities are available
