Jordan Youth Innovation  Forum

Jordan Youth Innovation Forum


About the organization

Mission:To inspire the youth of Jordan to realize their true potential by empoweringthem vocationally and educationally, instilling in them a sense of socialresponsibility, and assisting them in the development of a global perspective.Vision: A future where youthare the priority, carefully invested in, and given every opportunity toaccomplish their dreams and succeed in their endeavors, leading to an over-allmore prosperous society.Who we are:The JORDAN YouthInnovation Forum is a Private Non-Governmental Organization Licensed by theJordanian Ministry of Culture. Our work is on the National level, not focusingon a specific city or region of the country. Our target group is made up ofyoung people living in Jordan between the ages of 13 and 30, which includesJordanian citizens as well as non-Jordanians living in the kingdom. Our focushas shifted over the years, having focused on different priorities and areas ofwork, but we have never strayed from the desire to serve Jordan’s Youth.

Contact Info

Organization's followers

Followers 210

Job opportunities


No opportunities are available


Educational opportunities

No opportunities are available
