IM Swedish Development Partner

IM Swedish Development Partner


About the organization

IMSwedish Development Partner (IM) is a Swedish development organisation fightingand exposing poverty and exclusion operating in five regions worldwide. Theorganisation was founded in 1938 to defend human dignity, as a reaction againstthe fascist ideologies, hatred and violence that spread in Europe at the time.IM promote the development of a strong and democratic civil society bycollaborating with partner organisations. IM has been working in the Middle East since thelate 1960s in the area of intellectual disability. At present IM Middle Eastworks with partners in Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon in the areas of disabilityand women’s rights. A regional office was established in Amman in 2014 andthere are country offices in Amman and Ramallah.In Jordan IMis working with partners in the areas of rights of persons with disabilitiesand women’s rights. Other components of Jordan program work are economicempowerment, inclusive education and support to civil society.

Organization's followers

Followers 119

Job opportunities


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Educational opportunities

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