HiiL Innovating Justice

HiiL Innovating Justice


About the organization

The HiiL Justice Accelerator finds and supports the world's best justice entrepreneurs in order to create access to justice for all.Particularly in Africa and the Middle East but also across the world, through local partners and supporters we locate justice entrepreneurs and in many cases add them to our "Innovation Database."Through a series of local training events as well as the yearly Justice Entrepreneurship School in The Hague, we provide training to justice entrepreneurs in the skills they need most to manage and lead their innovations.By offering seed funding, as well as access to potential future follow-on funding, we fund justice entrepreneurs with the cash they need to grow their innovations.Finally we offer acceleration and business services to justice entrepreneurs to help get them on the right track to scaling their innovations.

Organization's followers

Followers 141

Job opportunities


No opportunities are available


Educational opportunities

No opportunities are available
