Write About Walking Together

By: walk · listen · createLast update:

Applicant criteria

NationalityNo specific nationality required
  • Both

Opportunity criteria


Opportunity description

Write About Walking Together

Closing date: Monday 19 August

Entry fee: €9 euros for one submission, €15 euros for two submissions
*either two poems, or two stories, or one of each.  Fee waiver available for those who cannot afford entry.

-Top prizes: €100 euros plus artwork for a poem and a similar prize for a story
-Longlist is published on the walk · listen · create website
-Shortlist is published in an illustrated chapbook anthology published by Sampson Low Publishers.
-Additional prize of €100 euros for an Australian entry – for which there are specific eligibility criteria.

Maximum word count: 250 words

For further information, please visit their website: https://walklistencreate.org/competition/write-about-walking-together/


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