Partial Funded Scholarships for Undergraduates and Graduates at the University of Bradford in the UK

By: Bradford University Last update:

Applicant criteria

NationalityUnited Arab Emirates, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan
  • No specific age required
  • Both

Opportunity criteria

Job locationUnited Kingdom
DegreeBachelors, Master, Phd

Opportunity description

The University of Bradford offers a number of partially funded scholarships for students in different study levels: Undergraduate, Postgraduate Taught, and Postgraduate Research. It provides these scholarships as a fee reduction for meeting or exceeding the entry criteria.


If you get this opportunity, you will have:

  • £2,000 scholarship as a fee reduction.
  • This discount is payable in all years of study on the course.

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Eligibility criteria

You should follow the following criteria: 

  • All full-time courses based at the University of Bradford (excluding MBA, distance learning and external).
  • Self-funding international fee paying students (not EU).
  • Students on discounted partnership programmes are not entitled to this scholarship.
  • Scholars who are awarded more than one Scholarship from the University may not combine these.
  • If students are eligible for more than one award, they will be awarded the one that holds the highest value.
  • The Scholar will not be entitled to the Scholarship if they defer their entry onto the Course until the next intake and the Scholarship will terminate automatically on such deferment. 

About the University of Bradford:

The University of Bradford is a public university located in the city of Bradford, West Yorkshire, England. The university received its Royal Charter in 1966, making it the 40th university to be created in Britain, but its origins date back to the early 19th century. The student population includes 8,045 undergraduate and 2,915 postgraduate students. 22% of students are foreign, and come from over 110 different countries. It was the first British university to establish a Department of Peace Studies in 1973, which is currently the world's largest university centre for the study of peace and conflict.

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