Short Story Competition: Win £1000 Prize
Applicant criteria
- No specific age required
- Both
Opportunity criteria
Opportunity description
This short story competition is open to anyone residing anywhere in the world. Entries must be written in English. The deadline for entries is June 30th, 2025.
Word limit: 2,500 words maximum, no minimum.
- 1st: £1,000
- 2nd: £200
- 3rd: £100
- 3x highly commended: £70
- 14 x shortlisted: £35 (All shortlisted stories are published in an anthology).
In addition to the £1,000 cash prize, the winner's head will appear on the front cover of the next To Hull And Back Anthology. They will be depicted riding a flaming motorcycle and holding a quill of wrath. The winner's copy of the book will be strapped to a Harley Davidson and filmed being ridden to Hull. And back. The winner can make the journey on the motorbike if they wish and appear in the video.
Entry fee:
Early-bird entry fee (until 31st March 2025): £10 for 1 story, £17 for 2 stories, £20 for 3 stories
From 1st April 2025 to 30th June 2025: £12 for 1 story, £20 for 2 stories, £24 for 3 stories
Cash prizes and publication of shortlisted stories in an anthology.