Applicant criteria
NationalityNo specific nationality required
- No specific age required
- Both
Opportunity criteria
Opportunity description
Submission Conditions:
- 4000 word limit
- Genre: Any – whatever inspires you!
- All writers welcome (published authors to amateurs)
Judge: Guest author
- 1st place – Interview for the New2theScene podcast; £50 New2theScene vouchers; ‘Origins’ blog; author bio and work featured on the New2theScene website; social media promotion; publication in an anthology.
- Notable mentions: £15 New2theScene vouchers; possible publication in anthology; possible future projects not advertised on the site.
Fee: £5
Deadline: 2nd March 2025
Cash prizes, podcast interview, publication, and social media promotion.
Eligibility criteria
Entries must be in English and not exceed 4000 words.