Applicant criteria
NationalityNo specific nationality required
- No specific age required
- Both
Opportunity criteria
Opportunity FieldForeign Languages and Literature
Opportunity description
Magma Poetry magazine organizes a poetry competition open to everyone. The competition includes two contests, one for short poems of up to 10 lines, and one for poems of 11 to 50 lines.
All poems must be previously unpublished.
Entry fees:
£5 for the first poem
£4 for the second poem
£3.50 for the third and each subsequent poem
Editors' Prize (poems up to 10 lines):
- 1st prize: £1,000
- 2nd prize: £300
- 3rd prize: £150
Judges' Prize (poems 11 to 50 lines):
- 1st prize: £1,000
- 2nd prize: £300
- 3rd prize: £150
For further information, please visit the official competition website.
Chance to win cash prizes and have your poems published.
Eligibility criteria
Poems must be original and previously unpublished, and adhere to the line limits specified for each category.