Island Literary Journal Submissions

By: Island Literary JournalLast update:

Applicant criteria

NationalityNo specific nationality required
  • No specific age required
  • Both

Opportunity criteria

Opportunity FieldForeign Languages and Literature, Photography and Filmmaking

Opportunity description

Island Literary Journal welcomes submissions of poetry, short stories, art and photography from international writers of all backgrounds, including first-time writers.

Submission conditions:

  • Short Story: Please send one story, maximum 5000 words, as a Word attachment. Please also include the word count in the document.
  • Poetry: You may submit up to four poems. Please include all poems in one document, as a Word attachment.
  • Art and Photography: Submit a maximum of four pieces. High resolution images as JPEG files with title and short description.
  • All poetry and short story submissions should be previously unpublished (this includes websites, personal blogs etc.).
  • Submissions should be in English, but may be translations (copyright permission is the responsibility of the translator).
  • Art and photography submissions should be previously unpublished, however, they can have appeared on social media.
  • Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please notify us should your work be accepted elsewhere.
  • Entrants must include a bio (max 50 words).

Entry fee: free

Deadline: currently ongoing


Publication in Island Literary Journal.

Eligibility criteria

Submissions should be in English or translations with copyright permission. Works must be original, except art and photography which may have appeared on social media.


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