Fully Funded Postdoctoral Fellowships in Science from EMBO
Applicant criteria
- No specific age required
- Both
Opportunity criteria
Opportunity description
EMBO is offering funded fellowships to post-doctoral researchers in science for up to two years in laboratories located throughout Europe and the world. The fellowship includes a salary or stipend, a relocation allowance, and support for fellows with children. Awardees can attend an EMBO Laboratory Leadership course and become part of the global network of EMBO Fellows.
- EMBO provides grants to the host institution with the sole intention to cover the cost of an employment contract to be issued by the host institution to the awardee. These costs include employer’s social contributions, awardee’s social contributions, taxes as required by national and local laws and regulations, and the net salary of the awardee.
- The EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship does not cover bench fees, overheads, funds for consumables or any other financial benefits to the host supervisor or the receiving institute. The grant rate depends on the country being visited.
- For children under the age of six, fellows can claim support for incurred childcare costs up to the amount of €2.500 per fellowship year and per child. The corresponding amount is prorated according to the fraction of the year in which childcare expenses were incurred.
- Relocation allowance: The relocation allowance is intended to cover travel costs up to the amount of €5.000 for the fellow and his/her family to and from the host institute.
Eligibility criteria
- Applicants must hold a doctorate degree or equivalent at the start of the fellowship.
- Applicants who already hold a Ph.D. at the time of application are eligible to apply only if they obtained it during the two years prior to the date the application is complete.
- Applicants must have at least one first-author publication accepted in or published in an international peer-reviewed journal at the time of application.
- All applications must involve movement between countries (detailed information about mobility requirements is listed in the EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships guidelines).
- Applications to go to the country in which the Ph.D. was obtained will not be considered.
- Applications to return to a laboratory where the candidate has worked in the past for more than six months, either in one or in several visits will not be considered.
- Applications for an EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship to be held in the laboratory, institute or department in which the candidate worked to obtain the Ph.D., or to work again with the candidate's supervisor, no matter where the latter is located, will not be considered.
- Candidates who have already started working in the host laboratory can apply only if they have been working in the host laboratory for less than six months at the time the application is complete.
- Candidates can only submit one application for one project at one host laboratory at each round of selection.
- Reapplication is permissible only once.
Fellowship Duration:
EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded for a period of two years although shorter durations can be requested. The minimum fellowship duration that can be requested is one year. Fellowships must be started within one calendar year from the relevant evaluation cut-off.
Selection Criteria:
All applications are initially reviewed by the EMBO Fellowships Office to ensure that they are complete and eligible. All eligible applications are then sent to the Fellowship Committee for pre-screening and about twice the number of available fellowships is selected for an interview (~30% of applications). During the pre-screening, the Committee reviews a condensed application form, which includes a summary of the applicant’s main scientific achievements along with the three most important publications, summary and biological significance of the proposed work, the justification for the choice of the host lab, as well as reference and acceptance letters.
Applicants who have successfully passed the pre-screening will be invited for a personal or video interview. When it is not possible to arrange a personal or video interview, the candidate's application is sent for a written evaluation.
All applications are then evaluated by the Fellowship Committee based on:
- Previous scientific achievements of the applicant.
- Novelty and biological significance of proposed research. Applications to continue exploring a topic similar to the Ph.D. project, usually receive lower priority for funding.
- Appropriateness of the host laboratory for the proposed research and training of the applicant.
Typically, the outcome of the selection is known between 14 to 16 weeks after the evaluation deadline and is provided on the EMBO website www.embo.org shortly after the committee meeting.
Note: Interviews normally take place within 6 to 10 weeks of the evaluation deadline. The interviews are conducted remotely via videoconferencing. Candidates may be requested to give an online seminar as part of the interview procedure.
About EMBO:
EMBO is an organization of more than 1800 leading researchers that promotes excellence in the life sciences in Europe and beyond. The major goals of the organization are to support talented researchers at all stages of their careers, stimulate the exchange of scientific information, and help build a research environment where scientists can achieve their best work.
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