DAAD Scholarships for Foreign Graduates in Architecture in Germany

By: DAADLast update:

Applicant criteria

NationalityNo specific nationality required
  • 18 - 60
  • Both

Opportunity criteria


Opportunity description

DAAD scholarships offer foreign graduates the opportunity to pursue postgraduate or continuing studies in Germany. The scholarships promote experience exchange and networking. Students can complete a Master’s degree or a complementary course (not an undergraduate course) at a state-recognized German university.


Applicants must have earned a first university degree in Architecture, Interior Design, Monument Conservation, Urban Planning/Development, Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture, or Landscape Planning by the time their scholarship-supported studies begin.

Scholarships are awarded for the standard study period (up to 24 months). Further funding after the first year (for 2-year courses) requires proof of academic achievements demonstrating successful completion within the standard period.


  • Monthly payment of 850 EUR.
  • Travel allowance.
  • One-time study allowance.
  • Health, accident, and personal liability insurance coverage.


850 EUR monthly payment, travel allowance, one-time study allowance, and insurance coverage.

Eligibility criteria

Applicants must hold a first university degree in one of the listed fields and enroll in an accredited German university program.


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