Abdul Hameed Shoman Arab Researchers Award for 2025 (43rd Edition)
Applicant criteria
- 18 - 60
- Both
Opportunity criteria
Opportunity description
Abdul Hameed Shoman Arab Researchers Award is the first Arab award dedicated to scientific research, honoring Arab researchers. It was launched in 1982 by the Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation to support scientific research in the Arab world.
The award is granted in recognition of outstanding research that contributes to advancing scientific knowledge and addressing local, regional, and global challenges. It encompasses six main fields, with two specific topics selected annually under each field.
Over its 42-year history, many recipients of this award have achieved significant scientific milestones, earning the award a distinguished reputation within the Arab academic community.
Award Components:
- A certificate that includes the award’s name, the winner’s name, and the field in which they won.
- A monetary prize of $20,000 USD.
- A plaque bearing the award’s name and logo.
If the award is shared by two winners, each will receive a certificate and a plaque, in addition to splitting the monetary prize equally.
The Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation announces the winners' names through appropriate channels on a date determined annually, with a special ceremony held to present the award.
Eligibility criteria
Nationality: The applicant must be of Arab nationality or origin.
Scientific Contribution: The applicant must have made a significant scientific contribution to the fields of theoretical or applied sciences within the past five years, published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Location of Research: The submitted research must have been conducted in an Arab country, or actively collaborated with researchers residing in an Arab country.
Summary Submission: Applicants must submit a brief description of their scientific work in both Arabic and English.
Past Winners: Previous winners of the Abdul Hameed Shoman Arab Researchers Award are not eligible to apply again.
Languages: Research papers must be submitted in either Arabic or English only.
Excluded Work: Master's and doctoral theses are not considered in the evaluation of the applicant's scientific contributions.
Award Fields: Applications must be submitted in one of the specializations listed under the announced fields of the award, as specified in the nomination form.
Complete Submission: All scientific work and documents must be submitted together. Additional materials sent later will not be considered. Submitted research will not be returned to the applicant, whether they win the award or not.
Applicant's Status: The applicant must be alive at the time of their nomination.
Restrictions for Jury Members: Members of the scientific committee and judging panels for the award in the announced year are not eligible to apply.