Partially Funded Scholarships for Undergraduates Student in ANU University in Australia
Applicant criteria
- Both
Opportunity criteria
Opportunity description
Each year the ANU College of Business and Economics may award up to two 50% tuition fee scholarships for international students who are applying for admission to an undergraduate program offered by the College for the first time. The Scholarship will be highly competitive and awarded automatically to an applicant who has performed at a very high level in the Foundation Studies Program.
Eligibility Criteria:
The Scholarship shall be available to an applicant who:
- Is an International Students as defined under the terms of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000.
- Has applied for admission to the University on the basis of successful completion of the Foundation Studies program at the ANU affiliated provider.
- Has received an offer of admission into an undergraduate degree program offered by the ANU College of Business and Economics
- The award provides a 50% tuition fee scholarship for the first semester of the undergraduate degree program offered by the College.
- The Scholarship will be offered to students commencing in both first and second semesters.
About ANU University:
ANU is a world-leading university in Canberra, Australia, with a unique history and good Australian Government relationships, focused on excellence in research and education. Students who graduate from this university have high qualifications, well-prepared to address complex contemporary challenges. They are in demand the world over.
See more scholarships available on For9a
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