Online Postgraduate Scholarships for International Students at Abertay University

By: Abertay UniversityLast update:

Applicant criteria

NationalityUnited Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Djibouti, Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Comoros, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen
  • 13 - 50
  • Both

Opportunity criteria

Job locationUnited Kingdom
DegreeMaster, Phd

Opportunity description

Abertay University is offering postgraduate scholarships for international students to study online.

Funding and Conditions

This £3,000 award is open to all prospective new international (non-EU) taught postgraduate (MSc/MProf) students who:

  • Are international (non-EU) students who are domiciled outside of the UK.
  • Are classified as overseas fee status by Abertay University.
  • Are applying for postgraduate study with a 2:1 UK Bachelors degree equivalent or better.

The award is paid in equal installments in January and April.


To be eligible you must meet all of the following conditions:

  • Have been classified as international (overseas) fee status by Abertay University.
  • Have registered with Abertay University as a full-time student for your first postgraduate degree. Applicants who already hold a UK postgraduate degree are not eligible.
  • Have met all the academic conditions attached to your offer of admission as a full-time student.
  • Have obtained the equivalent of 2:1 UK Bachelors degree or above.

About Abertay University

Abertay is a small university that receives the majority of its funding for teaching rather than research. Nevertheless, according to the results of the Research Excellence Framework 2014 (REF2014) published on 18 December 2014, Abertay was the highest ranked modern university in Scotland for 'research intensity'. The University submitted an increased proportion of staff in REF2014 compared to RAE2008 and achieved an average score of 2,15 - which in REF terms means 'quality that is recognised internationally in terms of originality, significance, and rigour'. This was an improvement from the average score of 1.83, 'national recognition', achieved in RAE2008.


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