Bio-Risk Management Support Competition for $ 10,000
Applicant criteria
- Both
Opportunity criteria
Opportunity description
The Biorisk Management Engagement Grant (BMEG) Competition program aims to improve bio-security, bio-safety and bio-risk management practices, promote bio-safety awareness, and enhance the quality of research through laboratory design, repairs and maintenance of equipment as well as upgrades for the physical and procedural security of laboratory, research and diagnostic facilities at academic and industrial institutions in the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region. Grants are intended for physical security enhancement, training, equipment, development or revision of procedural security SOPs and materials, provision of supplies that improve biological security, improvement of laboratory design, and support the repair and maintenance of equipment. The program strives to increase bio-risk management awareness and its importance in promoting responsible science. Proposals demonstrating concrete, long-term, and sustainable impacts at their institutions will be especially competitive.
The program is seeking biological scientists working in high containment laboratories, agricultural and biological research facilities, diagnostics laboratories, universities, government ministries, and private laboratories in the following countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Turkey, and Yemen
Evaluation Criteria:
[1] Bio-security and Bio-safety Impact.
[2] Sustainability Potential.
[3] Budget.
[4] Clarity and Completeness of application.
Decisions will be announced on 13 August 2018. Grant awards, not to exceed $10,000 USD, will support projects that can be completed within three months from the date the award agreement is signed. The period of Performance for award activities starts in October to December 2018.
About CRDF Global:
Founded in 1995, CRDF Global is an independent nonprofit organization that promotes international scientific and technical collaboration through grants, technical resources, training, and services. Based in Arlington, Virginia with offices in the Eurasia and MENA regions, CRDF Global works with more than 40 countries in the Middle East, North Africa, Eurasia, and Asia. They also specialize in bringing isolated scientific communities into the scientific mainstream through a variety of science engagement and capacity-building programs.