Job Opportunity at EY as a Financial Services Lawyer - Dubai or Riyadh
By: Ernst & Young Global Limited (EY)Last update:
Applicant criteria
NationalityNo specific nationality required
SpecialityLaw and Human Rights
Skills• Strong negotiation and presentation skills, − Excellent verbal and written communication skills , Strong Problem Solving and negotiation skills
- No specific age required
Years of Experience
- 3-5
- Both
Opportunity criteria
Job Type
- Full time
Job FieldsLegal Jobs
Opportunity FieldLaw, Human Rights and Gender
Job locationSaudi Arabia (Riyadh), United Arab Emirates (Dubai)
Needed documentsCV, Application form
Opportunity description
EY is offering a Job Opportunity in Dubai or Riyadh as a Financial Services Lawyer.
Duties & responsibilities
- Managing the successful delivery of cutting-edge, technically complex and demanding legal projects within the financial services sector.
- Build and maintain new and existing client relationships both internally and externally.
- Help people to develop through effectively supervising, coaching, and mentoring.
Eligibility criteria
- Between 4 to 10 years of experience as a qualified lawyer in financial services regulatory, preferably from the MENA region or from a global financial center e.g. London, New York, Singapore, Hong Kong etc.
- Strong technical knowledge and skills with regards to laws and regulations within the financial services industry.
- Good working knowledge of the financial services industry, its business trends (e.g commercial banks, investment banks, investment funds, ministries of finance, etc).
- Good knowledge of licensing regimes in a financial services context.
- Strong client relationship-building capabilities combined with strategic and commercial awareness.
- Excellent communication, presentation, collaboration, self-management, negotiation, and project management skills.
- The ability to create, sustain, and lead effective work teams.
- Keenness to continue developing your legal skills and engaging in new areas of work.
- Experience in coaching and developing more junior staff.
About EY:
EY refers to the global organization and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity.
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